Friday, July 11, 2008

I think these two deserve space to show their intelligence. You would never guess that their combined age is almost 80!

July 4th

Name that foot!

We spent the 4th of July at Kim & CJ's cabin. It was so much fun! Everyone was there-Granny, Gramps, K1,K2,K3,OK, Linda, Boyd, Robyn, Tom, A1, A2, ML. We spent the day eating, playing, and boating. The water was a bit choppy but CJ gave us a good ride in the tube. Thanks Kim & CJ for all the fun.

The boys show off their muscles for everyone. (They get the fine form from their mothers.) You would never guess that they are only 3 months apart in age.

OK! What a cutie! She loves the water & her gum.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I was sitting out on my patio the other night and realized it had the makings of a perfect night. The kids were riding their bikes in the circle. I could hear my neighbor cutting his grass. It was that perfect time of night when the sun is setting, the sky is skimming pink, and nothing more needs to be done for the day. I'm not a fan of the heat so summer is typically not my favorite season. But...I started thinking of all the great reasons to enjoy summer.
  • Flip-flops. I think this could actually be the #1 reason. It's a great way to show off a pedicure and it stops JM & I's endless argument about shoes.
  • Garden tomatoes. They are not ripe yet but just thinking about it makes my mouth water.
  • Tremonton Corn. Enough said.
  • My bike. It's cute & fun to ride. My new basket (thanks Robyn) makes it even better!
  • Someone else doing my yard this summer. I can't begin to express how happy this has made me. I love my yard. I love planting and I love when the grass still has those neat lines in it from the lawn mower. But man does it take a lot of time to keep it up. So, I'm grateful this year to have someone else doing most of the work.
  • Six year old boys in their swim trunks! They get that great tan and their hair turns all blond and cute.
  • Early summer mornings. I love being outside before everyone else. It's a great time to just sit and have a minute.
  • North Carolina. We love our annual beach trip!